Many people use WhatsApp daily for chatting, and images and videos are an important part of the daily conversation of an individual. When using WhatsApp, you probably might have noticed a quality loss in the media send over WhatsApp.
WhatsApp servers compress the video or the images you send over the chat service to send it faster to the recipient. However, in doing so, compressing the image loses its quality. This makes it difficult for one to send pictures and videos with minute details and tiny text fonts. Due to this, the photos or the videos are unusable outside Whatsapp.
Fortunately, there is a way to send uncompressed images and videos on Whatsapp without any quality loss. So if you are looking for a way to send uncompressed images and videos and Whatsapp, then this article is for you. In this article, we will be discussing how you can send uncompressed media on WhatsApp.
Sending Uncompressed Images And Videos On WhatsApp
If you want to send uncompressed images and videos on WhatsApp, then you simply have to follow the steps given below:
- On WhatsApp, open the chat to which you want to send the media.
- Now tap on the attach icon, and then tap on the document. In the document, tap on browse other docs.
- You will now be headed to the file manager of your phone, and you will be able to select documents as well as photos and videos which you want to send. This way you can send uncompress media on WhatsApp.
However, this method might seem easy, but there are some downsides of going for this method as well. You cannot preview the images or the videos you are sending. Moreover, the media won’t appear in the grid format, so you will have to search for it either by name or sort it by the date you saved it.
Also, you are limited to sending 100MB of documents, so you won’t be able to send a video larger than that. Also, you cannot send photos that are stored on Google Photos but not on-device storage.
Final Words
That’s how you can send uncompressed images and videos on Whatsapp. We hope you find this article helpful. If this article did help you, then do let us know in the comment section.
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