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Dear Reader,
The prospect of doing good journalism is what gets the PaidFreeDroid team out of bed in the morning. It’s great fun to make, and there’s no greater reward than a piece of reporting or writing that has an effect on millions.
But it is also daunting, particularly in tough times-be these a direct effect of Covid-19 or of its likely long impact on the economy, which many believe to last for a year or more. There also server cost, domain cost and much more.
Having our journalism out of the door requires both individual effort and selfless teamwork. What we bring you is the outcome of the hard work put in by our boots on the ground, the intrepid authors who get the story for you at every personal struggle, young writers on the online desk who anticipate and respond diligently to reader needs, creative wordsmiths and canny authors who work late into the night, marketing specialists who make sure readers have top-quality experience and our social media team with vital notifications that hit you on many channels especially on our Instagram page.
Understanding that digital media is strong but still needs constant refuelling, many media houses the world over have put their content behind paywalls, meaning that you have to pay to access their news. But we were always free to access and will be forever free.
For our part, what we are launching instead today is a voluntary participation platform for you, our respected reader, to become a partner in our journalism. If you feel that is making a difference to your life, do take a minute to make a donation. We will also appreciate your feedback as to how to make ourselves more important to you.
Please write to to give your valuable feedback.
Shubham Mishra
Founder & Chief Editor