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What Steve Jobs Said That Led To Rivalry Between Apple And Facebook

Apple and Facebook have been rivals for a very long time, and rivalry between Apple and Facebook isn’t something new. A report at CNBC said, that both the companies didn’t like each other and it all began in 2011. This all began in 2011, this was a year after the iPad was launched.

It was revealed through the documents which are part of Apple Vs. Epic Games Legal Battle. These documents showed emails that were shared between Steve Jobs and two other executives at Apple.

Rivalry Between Apple And Facebook

Scott Forstall who was the software head at Apple then, told Mark Zukerberg, that Facebook should not include embedded apps like Farmville and others in the Facebook app for iPad. Zuckerberg was not happy about removing these embedded apps from the Facebook iPad app, because he considered them to be a part of the complete Facebook experience. He wasn’t sure that Facebook should make a Facebook app for iPad without these apps. Mark Zukerberg wanted Apple to compromise with the inclusion of the app, and he made a few suggestions as well. Forstall informed this to Steve jobs and the other executive over the email.  

To this, Steve Jobs replied to Forstall’s mail ‘I agree if we eliminate Fecebooks third proposal it sounds reasonable.’ Jobs referred to Facebook as Fecebook, and it didn’t seem like a typo. This is what led to rivalry between Apple And Facebook. 

Rivalry Between Apple And Facebook

Since then, Facebook and Apple have been in rivalry, and this rivalry can be seen with the latest update that Apple rolled out. Apple rolled out a tracking transparency feature with iOS 14.5 update, which gives users the choice to allow which app can track them. Facebook on this update said that Apple is the enemy of Small businesses.

Rivalry Between Apple and Facebook started in the year 2011, and this rivalry didn’t seem to resolve soon. Since 2011, Facebook and Apple have had issues between them.

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Anurag Jain

A content writer, tech geek, and fitness enthusiast out there to explore the world.

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