Despite its meteoric success, Reliance Jio Infocomm is not resting on its laurels. The company recently announced its Prime Membership scheme wherein existing and new Jio customers can continue to avail the telecom’s Happy New Year Offer for an annual fee of Rs. 99. Earlier this month, Paytm announced that Jio users could recharge their prepaid connections through the digital payments app. Now, existing Jio subscribers will be able join the Jio Prime plan and avail a number of benefits as well.
Partnering with Paytm allows Jio to reach a user base that is over 200 million. The digital wallet app is offering additional benefits on every Jio recharge including a Rs. 10 cashback on joining the Rs. 99 Jio Prime plan through the app. This offer is available for all users using the promo code JioPrime.
The Rs. 303 plan, which offers Prime customers on prepaid 28GB of high-speed data for 28 days with FUP of 1GB per day, will get you Rs. 30 off (for up to 2 recharges) via the app using the promo code PrimeJio. Additional benefits on recharging Rs. 303 via the app include up to Rs. 150 cashback on purchase of two movie tickets and free Jio add-on pack worth Rs. 201.
Jio Prime plans start at Rs. 19 and go up till Rs. 9,999. Paytm in its blog post says that Jio customers can avail benefits on any recharge. Paytm last week announced its entry in Canada with the Paytm Canada app for Android and iOS.
Furthermore, the option to pay Jio postpaid bills is yet to be added to app.
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