You can subscribe to Reliance Jio Prime from Wednesday, March 1 until March 31. While Reliance Jio had only revealed one new tariff plan when it announced the Prime subscription, a new report claims that Reliance Jio will offer two new monthly plans apart from the Rs. 303 plan announced last week. Reliance Jio will reportedly offer a Rs. 149 pack under which subscribers will receive unlimited voice calls and 2GB 4G data without any daily cap for a month. Another pack will be cost Rs. 499, and will also offer 60GB 4G data with 2GB daily data cap while will offer unlimited voice calls.
To recall, the company last week announced its new Jio Prime subscription plan, which will now charge over 100 million subscribers for data and other services from April 1. Reliance Jio had announced a Rs. 303 per month pack under which existing Jio customers will get unlimited data, calls, text messages, and other services that users get as part of Jio’s Happy New Year Offer.
According to a Moneycontrol report citing a CLSA note, Reliance Jio will also offer long duration plans priced at Rs. 999 with a validity of 60 days and data allowance of 60GB, Rs. 1,999 for 90 days with 125GB data, Rs. 4,999 for 180 days with 350GB data, and Rs. 9,999 for 360 days with 750GB. All these Jio Prime plans are said to come with no daily limit.
“As per our discussion with channel partners and retailers, Reliance Jio has revealed more tariff plans under the “Jio Prime Program” that requires one-time membership charge of Rs 99 to be paid before March 31, 2017,” said CLSA in a note.
Reliance Jio’s new Jio Prime is an extension of the unlimited services offered under the Happy New Year Offer by another year, and every subscriber needs to pay Rs. 99 annual fees for the Jio Prime subscription. Jio Prime subscriptions will kick off from Wednesday and will end on March 31, 2017. After March 31, Reliance Jio subscribers won’t be able to avail the bundled services at Rs. 303 per month. The Jio Prime plans come into effect from April 1, 2017, the day the existing Jio Happy New Year Offer expires.
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