News & Analysis

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall Official

Initially, Samsung made an informal announcement that all of its Note 7 phones would have to be recalled due to the explosive battery issue we’ve all heard so much about. So far, there have been 92 official reports of Note batteries overheating or exploding.

(Also Read: Note 7 Explodes in Boy’s Hands)

Now, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) said that an official recall has been initiated for the “1 million” Note 7s in circulation prior to 15 Sept. Samsung had voluntarily recalled phones for weeks, but it had to be made official & it’s curious why the waited so long. Samsung said in a statement, “replacement devices will be available in the United States at most retail locations no later than September 21, 2016.” However, many have already turned in their Note 7 for a refund.

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Shubham Mishra

Founder and Chief Editor at PaidFreeDroid. Shubham likes to keep on top of the tech world and loves to help people around him who face day to day trouble with technology.

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