Last week Apple partnered with India’s biggest online store Flipkart to make it an authorized online reseller in India. Earlier, only infibeam was an authorized reseller for Apple products. The latest Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are already available in most of the western countries, while they will go on sale in India from October 7th.
However, today, Flipkart announced that pre-orders for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will begin from September 29 midnight 23:59 pm i.e from tomorrow midnight.
To recall, Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, both are powered by a new A10 Fusion 64-bit quad-core processor, coupled with six-core GPU and M10 motion co-processor. The company has ditched the 16 GB storage variant and comes in 32 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB storage options. Both these smartphones run on the latest iOS 10.
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Both the iPhones feature a 7-megapixel front camera and houses a fingerprint sensor which is now press sensitive with the new generation Taptic Engine. Both of these smartphones are available in Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, Black and the new Jet Black colour variants and are IP67 certified water and dust resistant.
The iPhone 7 starts from 60000 Rs. for 32 GB variant. The 128 GB variant of iPhone 7 is priced at 70000 Rs. and the 256 GB variant of iPhone 7 is priced at 80000 Rs.
The iPhone 7 Plus starts from 72000 Rs. for 32 GB variant. The 128 GB variant of iPhone 7 Plus is priced at 82000 Rs. and the 256 GB variant of iPhone 7 Plus is priced at 92000 Rs.
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