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Pokémon GO 0.31.0 Update for Android and iOS; Many improvements; Here’s how to download

Few weeks ago in Pokémon GO Mobile Game, “three footprints” Pokémon tracking system suddenly stopped working and showed three steps for everything. So to fix this bug, Pokémon Go developer, Niantic decided to remove it completely and bring more improvements in the latest update.

Pokémon GO version 0.31.0 takes out the footprints system entirely, so now players are merely presented with a vague list of nearby critters. It might still be possible to walk around and “hunt” Pokémon simply by looking at their relative positions in the list, but you could be ten meters away from one and 150 meters away from the next, in any direction. The developers have basically decided to completely remove thee feature and effectively keep the game broken.

Footprints Removed in Pokemon GO
Footprints Removed in Pokemon GO 0.31.0 Update

There are a lot of other changes in this update, and thankfully they’re less blatantly anti-player. Most notably the avatar customization system that players are presented with when they first start the game is now available from the profile menu, so you can finally change the color and style of your clothes. This should help with the odd situation of people choosing Instinct/Mystic/Valor teams that don’t match their clothing colors, so now the gang warfare aspect of Pokémon GO can finally be properly color-coordinated.

Avatar Customization Option Added in Pokemon GO
Avatar Customization Option Added in Pokemon GO 0.31.0 Update

Smaller changes include pop-up warnings at the start of every session instructing players not to trespass, drive, or enter dangerous areas (We are guessing that Niantic is tired of getting angry calls from homeowners who’ve discovered that their house is a virtual Pokémon Gym), a new Pokémon grid view that focuses on the Combat Power value for each monster, and a new sub-menu for individual Pokémon that includes “favorite” and “transfer.” Other changes are underneath the hood, including balance tweaks to the combat and animation systems.

More Warning Messages Added in Pokemon GO
More Warning Messages Added in Pokemon GO 0.31.0 Update

There are more updates like Pokémon details screen which include transfer button update, favorite option.

Pokemon Details Screen Improved in Pokemon GO
Pokemon Details Screen Improved in Pokemon GO 0.31.0 Update

Here’s the full list of updates:

  1. Avatars can now be re-customized from the Trainer profile screen
  2. Adjusted battle move damage values for some Pokémon
  3. Refined certain Gym animations
  4. Improved memory issues
  5. Removed footprints of nearby Pokémon
  6. Modified battle damage calculation
  7. Various bug fixes during wild Pokémon encounter
  8. Updated Pokémon details screen
  9. Updated achievement medal images
  10. Fixed issues with displaying certain map features
  11. Minor text fixes

How to update to latest version:

  1. For Android:
    The latest version of the Pokémon GO APK is rolling out in stages on the Play Store, and it seems to be doing so slowly.. which tends to happen when you have tens of millions of players. If you’re impatient, the latest version of the game can be downloaded from APK Mirror.
  2. For iOS:
    For android it is easy but for iOS it is complex, if the game is available in your country, directly head to Apple App Store and update the game. But the major issue comes when it is not available on your country, then you need to switch to your US account and update the game. For more details about US account and how to update for iOS visit here.

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Shubham Mishra

Founder and Chief Editor at PaidFreeDroid. Shubham likes to keep on top of the tech world and loves to help people around him who face day to day trouble with technology.

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