
[Root] [Towelroot] How to Root Your Android Device

Thanks to Geohot, that kid who first jailbroke an iPhone a long time ago, we have a root method that works for most Android device that are running Kitkat. After his long history of working in the jailbreaking community for iOS, he decided a few days ago to release an app that can allow you to gain root access on a ton of Android Kitkat devices, with a few certain limitations: no Motorola devices, no HTC devices, and no devices that were created after June 3rd 2014.

1. Before You Begin

1. You must be using a KitKat device. There are a bunch of ones that work, but nowhere has a good list of them all so I’d suggest giving this a go and if it doesn’t work, there’s no harm done (it’ll just fail). Please let us know any other device it does work for in the comments quickly to help others out.

2. Root the Android Device

1. Go to Settings > Security > and check Unknown Sources ON to allow us to install third-party apps.
2. On your phone, head to
3. Tap on the Lambda (the big red letter looking icon in the middle of the site).
4. Save the tr.apk file to your device.
5. Pull down the notification shade by pulling down from the top of the device.
6. Tap on the Download Complete notification.
7. Tap Install.
8. Pull down the notification shade by pulling down from the top of the device.
9. Tap on Installation Complete to open the app.
10. Tap on the Make it Ra1n button and wait for it to do its thing.
11. You should get a success notice, that’s it, you’re rooted.

3. Install SuperSU

To stop unauthorized apps from using the new found root access, we’ll install SuperSU.

1. Go to the Play Store on your device.
2. Search for SuperSU.
3. Tap on the one by Chainfire and install it.
4. Once done, tap the Open button.
5. Allow it to update it’s binaries and anything else it prompts you to do.

4. Test Root Access

1. Go to the Play Store on your device.
2. Search for Root Checker.
3. Tap on the result and install it.
4. Once done, tap the Open button.
5. Tap Run and make sure it says you are rooted.

If this procedure helped you, please consider donating to Geohot at his site here.

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Shubham Mishra

Founder and Chief Editor at PaidFreeDroid. Shubham likes to keep on top of the tech world and loves to help people around him who face day to day trouble with technology.

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