Today in New Delhi at an event, Microsoft has launched the Surface Pro 4. With a starting price tag of Rs 89,990, looks like Microsoft is certainly targeting high-end consumers only. The device will be sold exclusively via Amazon India for the first six months and shipping begins January 14. One can also try out the device at Microsoft Stores located at Noida, Gurgaon, Delhi, Bengaluru and Mumbai.
The Microsoft Surface Pro 4 will be offered in three variants in India – Surface Pro 4 with Core i5, 4GB of RAM and 128GB SSD priced at Rs 89,990, the Core i5, 8GB of RAM and 256GB SSD variant at Rs 1,20,990 and Core i7, 8GB of RAM and 256GB SSD at Rs 1,44,990. In addition, Microsoft is selling the Surface Pen at Rs 5,990 and the Surface Pro 4 Type Cover keyboard at Rs 12,490, which is available in blue and black color variants.
During the Future Unleashed event in Mumbai held in November last year, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella had also announced that the company’s Surface Pro 4 tablet will launch in India in January 2016. The tablet was launched in October in the US at a price of $899. The company also launched the 2013’s Surface Pro 3 in India, priced at Rs 73,990 and includes Intel Core i3 variant, with 4GB RAM and a 128GB SSD,
With the kind of specification set that Microsoft has packed into the Microsoft Surface Pro 4, it seemed like it didn’t want to leave any room for competition. Microsoft Devices head Panos Panay launched the Surface Pro 4, calling it the best Surface device ever. According to him it is 30 percent faster than the Surface Pro 3 and around 50 percent faster than the Apple MacBook.
The Surface Pro 4 sports a 12.3-inch display with densely packed pixels which makes Microsoft call it PixelSense display. The exact resolution is 2736 x 1824 pixels which gives 267DPI pixel density. It comes with a 0.4mm thick Corning Gorilla Glass 4 protection. Microsoft has also added a special G5 sensor to manage the optical stack, to enable a highly responsive touchscreen for touch as well as Surface Pen input.
The Surface Pro 4 has the same footprint as the 12-inch Surface Pro 3 thanks to thinner bezels. The Surface Pro 4 is powered by the 6th generation Intel Core M, Core i5 or Core i7 processors along with RAM going from 4GB to 16GB. It offers SSD storage options going from 128GB all the way to 1TB.
Windows 10 Pro OS naturally comes out of the box giving you access to desktop class software. The Surface Pro 4 weighs around 766 grams and is just 8.4mm thick. On the camera front, you have an 8MP rear camera and a 5MP front camera for video calls. On the connectivity front, you get Wi-fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.0, a full size USB 3.0 port and more.
Along with the Surface Pro 4, you will also get the Surface Pen, which has an eraser button on one end. The tip of the Pen has around 1024 pressure sensitive points which, according to Microsoft, ensure that the responsiveness of the Pen is on the higher side. You can click and hold the top of Surface Pen to activate Cortana. With one click of Surface Pen, a blank OneNote page appears for quick notes. And just last we had seen in the last generation, the Palm Block technology allows you to rest your hand on the screen to write naturally, just like a pad of paper.
Microsoft has also refined the design on the Type Cover, having the keyboard with more spaced out keys, less travel and quieter typing sound. The Type Cover is also compatible with Surface Pro 3. It also incorporates a fingerprint reader for quick authentication. The trackpad has been increased by 40 percent and it supports all Windows 10 gestures.
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