News & Analysis

If Battery is your problem, then buy this smartphone that comes with 9000 mAh battery

If Battery is your problem, then buy this smartphone that comes with 9000 mAh battery

MACOOX, Chinese maker has come out with its new phone powered by a 9000 mAh battery. The phone is called MACOOX EX1 and comes equipped with 1 GB of RAM, 8 GB of internal storage and an undisclosed quad-core processor. On the display front, the phone measures a 4.5 inch, and has a main camera of 8 MP and a selfie camera of 2 MP.

However all is not perfect in paradise -the EX1 comes with a bulky body of 14-15 mm in thickness. Unless you are planning to wear trousers with huge pockets, carrying this device might be a little bit of a bother.

According to sources, the phone appears to be a handset glued to a power-bank. Why not just carry your stylish, sleek smartphone along with a power-bank instead, right? We have the same question. Let us know if you come up with an answer for that one.

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Shubham Mishra

Founder and Chief Editor at PaidFreeDroid. Shubham likes to keep on top of the tech world and loves to help people around him who face day to day trouble with technology.

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