Last month, Inventec, one of Xiaomi’s hardware partners, said that Xiaomi’s first laptop could be expected in the first or second half of 2016. Now a new report further cements those claims. DigiTimes, citing its supply chain sources, is reporting that Xiaomi’s first laptop will come in two models – 12.5-inch and 13.3-inch – and enter mass production in the first quarter of 2016, which is in line with last month’s report.
The report further added that the company has placed orders for about 250,000 units for the 12.5-inch model, and 500,000 units for the 13.3-inch model. Inventec is said to be tasked to produce the 12.5-inch model units, while Compal Electronics will manufacture the 13.3-inch model.
The report also noted that Xiaomi has plans to ship the laptop in a bundle package with a smartphone, a move that will promote both the product lineups. The company is also trying to poach Lenovo executives to quickly mark its dominance in the laptop lineup, DigiTimes reported.
Rumours of a Xiaomi notebook has been in the wild for a long time. In September, Bloomberg citing its sources, had also noted that the company has plans to launch the notebook in the first quarter of 2016.
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