News & Analysis

Bluboo Xtouch “U” Type suspended screen first drop test video released

Here are several factors to influence the risk of screen break, the glass hardness, the angle of the fall and the hardness of ground.

Bluboo Xtouch “U” Type suspended screen first drop test video released

But there is an important thing people always ignore is the the construction between screen glass and phone border.
[youtube control=”2″ src=”6jdQLF5unsg”/]For example, if the screen glass is directly contacting with phone border, the crash can transmit the shock from border to glass even if stress point is not on the screen glass to easily make glass break.

Some phone manufacture has paid attention to this issue and have developed ways to solve it.

Phone brand Oneplus did a great job on Oneplus one. They adopt a “V Type” design (Suspension technology), which could let screen and border has a V type buffer.

When phone drop down, the buffer can reduce the impact that border bring to glass. That is better to protect the screen glass.

Bluboo Xtouch

Bluboo Xtouch

Bluboo Xtouch

Bluboo also noticed the issue and they developed another similar way to solve it. Bluboo adopt a “U Type” buffer between glass and phone border on their 2015 annual flagship Xtouch.

They claim the new design could provide higher safety for screen just like Oneplus “V Type” design

Bluboo Xtouch pre-sale had been started at $179.99 from 21th Oct, feel free to order it !

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Shubham Mishra

Founder and Chief Editor at PaidFreeDroid. Shubham likes to keep on top of the tech world and loves to help people around him who face day to day trouble with technology.

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